So, uh, what do bloggers talk about in their first blog posts? Do they automatically start talking about events that happen to them? Or posting things they find interesting? I have no idea. I'll just start with a little intro.
[ Start Introduction ]
Hello all who are reading this. I appreciate your time and effort for viewing this probably very blank blog. First of all, this is not one of those business blogs ( what kind of business would name their blog " Life of a Cookie Monster?" ). This blog is merely a place to vent all of my selfishness. Perhaps this plan will develop to a more useful one, but who knows? Only the future can tell... I have made a deal with the person who lets me blog that I write about one thing I like and one thing that is going on with the world. It sounds like a good deal so I'm going to go with that. Yeah....
[ End Introduction ]
I hope I'll get better at this blogging thing, so people who are reading this, hope you read again.